This is a hearing in the case of Miss Clara Krishna. My name is Arthur Johnson. I am the appeals referee with the Employment Security Appeals Division. I'm here to hear and decide this case. Present at today's hearing are Miss Krishna, the claimant, and Mr. Sam Everett, co-owner of Emily's cafe. We're here today because the employer, Emily's cafe, appealed the decision of the local unemployment office to award benefits to Miss Krishna. I will make a new decision in this case and I will base my decision on the evidence presented at today's hearing. I'm not bound in any way to follow the local unemployment office's decision. As you can see, this hearing is being tape recorded. Witnesses will take an oath to tell the truth. If you have any documents that you want considered, each document will be marked as an exhibit before being considered. Now, as for how this hearing works, basically all testimony is taken by questions and answers. I'll ask each of you questions and then, when I finish, each of you will have time to ask each other any questions. Now, is there anything about this procedure which you don't understand? "When do I get to ask questions?" I'll help you keep track of when it's your time to ask or answer questions. The scene you just witnessed is the beginning of an unemployment compensation appeal hearing. Like the hearing you will attend, this program is designed to help you prepare for that hearing. Keep in mind that what you are about to see are short depictions of real hearings. Your hearing will be longer and go into greater detail. Federal and state law entitle you to a fair hearing if you disagree with a local unemployment office's decision to grant or deny benefits. Fair hearing...
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Georgia Department Of Labor determination letter Form: What You Should Know
Application to apply for Medicaid through shall include the following information: 1. Physician, physician's assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, certified nurse midwife or licensed practical nurse with a license authorizing the practice of midwifery, obstetrics and gynecology in the homeopathic form of medicine provided by the applicant's licensed physician. 2. The name, address, and date of birth for each individual to be served pursuant to the application and the date of the most recent primary or secondary immunization date. 3. The name, address, and date of birth on each individual to be served pursuant to the application. This information is to be obtained through a state health care authority and is not a requirement of the Federal health care law. 4. The name, address, and date of birth of each individual to be served pursuant to the application. This information, along with any required proof of identity for any individual to be served is to be secured from the Health Care Provider. 5. The name, name, and age of any individual (in addition to the information specified in item 5a of this item) to be served pursuant to the application for Medicaid and the health plan(s) (if a group) to be served. 6. Proof of income (including social security and Medicare taxes paid for the current and prior two calendar quarters) of each employee, including the last 4 digits of each employee's social security account number. 7. Information on any prior Medicaid participation. 8. Information on any other federal or state benefits for this individual.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Georgia Department Of Labor determination letter